Tuesday, June 4, 2013


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Me and Hannah were partners for this assignment. We struggled to complete it on time. Our drawing of what we were going to paint i think looked really good of the joker card. We should have worked on our time management so that getting it done would have been much easier. I think adding paint would have been difficult to make look as good as the drawing itself.

Water Color

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I never got around to doing the water color assignment.


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my prints project i never finished completely. we were supposed to have  6 different prints, i have one. I liked the carving part of making the prints. If i could do it again, i would do all 6 and do it it in pretty color.

Border Patrol

My favorite part of this was deciding how to space and what size to make each logo and border. I decided not to make them symmetrical because it keeps the project more interesting. The hardest part was trying to come up with different borders.


I thought i did fairly well on my candy drawing. The double bubble logo could have had more work added to it; more attention to detail and the white lettering. If i were to do it again, i would have thought out the composition more too. The hardest part about this was creating all the different shades in the yellow wrapper.

Friday, May 3, 2013

art career: tattoo artist

To become a tattoo artist, the only schooling needed is a high school diploma or GED, and an internship and licence by the local health department must be obtained. Job duties include administrating tattoos and piercings. One would be working alongside fellow artists. I was lead to this career because of the idea of designing wearable art. After researching this career, i would still consider it for myself.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

clay project

The clay project was a lot of fun this year. I actually made something that looked okay; last years looked really bad. i made a box with a giant tootsie roll on the top. The edges caved in a little but overall it looked pretty good. I wish i would have allowed myself more time to decorate the outside.

4 steps to abstraction

i liked this assignment even though mine didn't turn out so great. The brushstrokes are really bad on the first painting and the last paintings the lines are uneven. I liked the image i chose to paint, i think it made an interesting composition. The shading with the paint turned out the best of everything. however, the color was not consistent throughout the four separate paintings.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

gesture drawing

My gesture drawing could have been alot better, especially the figure with the umbrella. The other ones should have had more time put into them. The mans arm is messed up, its not proportionate to the rest of him. Next time i will spend more time on an assignment so i will get the results i want.