Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I think this painting was somewhat successful; the lines were fairly neat and everything, but I think it looks kind of plain and boring. I liked that I alternated between positive and negative space. If I were to do this over again I would find a way to make it more interesting to look at, maybe by adding more design to the letters.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Careers: Advertising Coordinator

I chose to reseearch a advertising cordinator. I chose to research this because it looked the most interesting out of the possible art careers.
The average yearly salary is $50,865. Job duties include possibly overseeing others work, coordnating promotions and scheduling, and dealing with client relations. A bachelors degreee may be required but typically anywhere from two to four years of college is all thats required. Advertisering coordinators work directly with clients and sometimes lead a group of others.
After the research I've done, I still think I may consider it as a possible career choice.