Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This project was alot of fun to do, especially because it was in partners. The only problem i found while doing this was that my partner and i painted things differently. To do this better, the pink webs could have been painted neater and the spiders should have been painted by the same person so they wouldve looked more simular. I love the color scheme that was chosen for painting our pumpkins, i think it is very bright and lively. Our second pumpkin never really got finished. We stopped working on it after messing up one of the sides because we used the wrong type of paint. I learned from this to pay attention to directions more carefully so situations like that can be avoided.

Monday, November 5, 2012

stool drawing

This project was very time consuming. I aslo thought it was long and kind of boring. There was not alot of room to express creativity in this project. In this project, i struggled to draw things propotionally and to draw the forshortened bar between the stool leg and the middle correctly. I did enjoy all the shading in this project even though it took alot of time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art #1 and #2

I have not yet finished these projects but im looking forward to getting them done. They seem like they will be very unique.

Magazine Reflection

The picture of this was not availible.
 The magazine reflection was a diffucult assignment for me. It was hard doing it in color, i shouldve taken your advice and did it in black and white because it may have been easier. I chose to make her hair purple in my drawing because i think it gave the drawing more color, even though her hair was red in the magazine ad. The hardest part about this assignment was getting their eyes to look good and be symetrical to eachother.

This is my hello kitty waterpainting :) I like this project the most out of all we've done in art. The hardest part about this assignment was coming up with a color scheme that would fit the painting well and colors that would go well together. I liked using japenese lettering in this because hello kitty is a japenese cartoon. It says hello kitty in japenese which would be pronounced 'haro kitty'.

Pop Art Sculpture

Chelsea and i made a sculpture of a facebook like sign. I think we did well painting it and and making it look neat. However i think it was made a little misproportional to what it was supposed to be. I like our idea for our sculpture. At some point we decided that we didnt think it would work trying to make this but we decided to keep going and it turned out better than we both thought it would.

Character Skelton

I think the first drawing of the aladin genie turned out fine, except its head should have been made a bit larger. The skelton drawing was very hard for me and i did not do well on it. It was hard to make a drawing of a skelton for something that wasnt designed to have a skelton.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cartoon Character

I liked working on this project. I would change the backgroung colors if i redid it though because they're too dark and prevent the character from looking as nice as i think it couldve. The most difficult part of this assignment was coming up with a character.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I think this painting was somewhat successful; the lines were fairly neat and everything, but I think it looks kind of plain and boring. I liked that I alternated between positive and negative space. If I were to do this over again I would find a way to make it more interesting to look at, maybe by adding more design to the letters.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Careers: Advertising Coordinator

I chose to reseearch a advertising cordinator. I chose to research this because it looked the most interesting out of the possible art careers.
The average yearly salary is $50,865. Job duties include possibly overseeing others work, coordnating promotions and scheduling, and dealing with client relations. A bachelors degreee may be required but typically anywhere from two to four years of college is all thats required. Advertisering coordinators work directly with clients and sometimes lead a group of others.
After the research I've done, I still think I may consider it as a possible career choice.

Monday, January 16, 2012

1 pt. Perspective Name Drawing

I thought this turned out nice. I thought it was very neat and not messy looking. The hardest part of this assignment was drawing the S and the R. If I could do this project over again I would fix the A a little bit because I think it's a little smaller than the rest of the letters.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hallway 1 pt. perspective

I liked the hallway part of the picture, but everything in it could've been better. I like the way the bean bags are colored, but they were'nt size propotionate to everything else. The spray paint on the walls didn't have the 'going away from you' affect either. If I were to do this over again I would probably fix that and maybe add something to the floor of the hallway. The most difficult part of this was drawing the open door way.

2 point perspctive line drawing

I don't think this was very successful because it lacks alot of detail. I think the outline of the building was right and so was the perspective, but the whole thing looks way to plain and boring. Doing it over again, I would definatly put more detail into it.The most difficult part was probably just trying to draw a circe for the windows at the top, especially the side one.

The Great Doodle Assignment

The weekest point of this assignment was that the curly wave design at the top left looked a little uneven and unsemetrical. I think the strongest point was the stretched checkerboard at the bottom, which was definatly the hardest thing to draw. It was also hard to try to get the designs to run together the right way.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Color Wheel

I don't like my color wheel. I feel that I rushed throught it, so the lines are sloppy, the outside cut is uneven, and you can see all the brush strokes.The only thing I did like was that the colors mixed fairly well. If I were to do this again, I would definatly spend more time on it and make it look neater. The most difficult part of this was trying to get the right shades in between the primary colors. I learned that taking time when you paint is always a good idea.